Smartspeak learning program Set Global English for Beginner


Beginners Level 1:

Module1:- Greetings, Introductions, Phonic Sounds, Usage Of Numbers

Module 2:- Words And Phrases To Be Used In Hotel, Restaurant, Bank, Shopping Mall Show-Rooms, etc.

Beginners Level 2:

Module 3:- Key Language Used While Shopping, Describing Words, Currency Names

Module4:- Usage Of Date, Time, Days, Months, Seasons & Simple Present Tense,

Beginners Level 3:

Module 5:- Placing Orders In Hotel Restaurant etc. & Use Of Present Continuous Tense,

Module6:- Enquiring About Locations & Giving Directions, Collecting Information, Booking Tickets, Making Reservations, Describing Objects, Enquiring About Jobs, Preparing For Interviews

Quantity of Books: 6

Book Set Price: Rs. 1800 + Reader: Rs. 4500 = Total Rs. 6300

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